Workplace Injuries & Fatalities In The Pipeline Industry

By Madia Law Firm

In 2010, Forbes magazine rated jobs in the gas pipeline industry the worst in America, based on the job’s physical demands, work environment, pay, hiring outlook, and stress. Workers in the gas pipeline industry potentially work 12 hours a day, fixing or operating heavy machinery, working on multiple platforms, and having to maneuver around slippery surfaces. Additionally, many often face high-pressure situations, which can increase safety risks and the possibility of sustaining a serious or fatal injury.

Common injuries in the pipeline industry

Workers in the pipeline industry can sustain numerous injuries, ranging from relatively minor to life-altering.

Below are some of the most common injuries workers in this field suffer from:

  • Skin injuries: These include chemical burns, cuts, bruises, frostbite, and punctures. Although some of these might not sound severe, they can become infected or develop into a scar.
  • Bone injuries: Hairline fractures, broken bones, compound fractures, shattered bones, and dislocated joints are all common bone injuries sustained by workers in the pipeline industry.
  • Burns: The burn injuries faced by workers in the pipeline industry can be minor or full-thickness, third-degree burns that result in blistering and scarring.
  • Traumatic brain injuries: Skull fractures, concussions, and traumatic brain injuries can result in permanent damage and lifelong health complications.
  • Back and neck injuries: Some of the most severe injuries a pipeline worker can face are back injuries, such as spinal cord injuries, broken vertebrae injuries, and paralysis.
  • Limb injuries: Due to the type of equipment workers use on the job, they can potentially face partial amputation injuries, total amputation injuries, and permanent damage to the hands, feet, legs, or fingers.
  • Soft tissue injuries: Soft tissue injuries are generally not too severe, though they can potentially take several months to heal properly. These injuries include sprains, strains, and the tearing of muscles and ligaments.

Some of the most common accidents in the pipeline industry include well blowouts, equipment failure, fires, explosions, fracking accidents, truck and vehicle accidents, working in confined spaces, and slip and fall accidents. It is crucial to seek the assistance of an experienced personal injury attorney if you sustained an injury or lost a loved one due to a pipeline industry accident.

Schedule a free case initial case review with a knowledgeable personal injury attorney!

Injuries in the pipeline injury can be debilitating and catastrophic, ultimately resulting in death. If you sustained an injury at work or lost a family member due to negligence, contact the experienced team at Madia Law Firm to pursue the compensation you need and deserve. You can rely on our experience and knowledge to help you hold the responsible party liable for their negligent actions. Our team is backed by a proven track record of success, so you can rest assured your case will be in good hands with us.

Reach out to our law office today at (304) 878-7489 to schedule a free initial case review with a trusted member of our personal injury team. We will be your voice inside and outside of court.

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