If you were injured in a motor vehicle accident, and attempt to handle the case on your own, you will soon deal with the at-fault party’s insurance company. In many cases, insurance adjusters are quick to offer a settlement. Although you are probably in a hurry to put this whole debacle behind you, accepting an offer so early on, without legal guidance, is a major error that might ultimately cost you in the future. Before you accept an insurance company’s settlement offer, consult with an attorney who can evaluate your claim and provide an accurate estimate.
When the insurance company makes its initial offer, it might look like a substantial amount to you, especially if you still lack a clear idea of how long it might take for you to achieve maximum medical improvement. If it turns out that you will need extensive medical care or, worse, that you will live with permanent damage or chronic pain, the initial settlement offer will almost certainly not cover the costs of the necessary treatment.
Here are some additional reasons why you should never accept the insurance company’s first offer:
If you sustained injuries in a motor vehicle accident and recently began the process of filing a personal injury claim, you need experienced legal guidance on your side. At Madia Law Firm, our car accident attorneys have the knowledge and insight necessary to create tailored solutions to help you achieve your goals and ensure you receive the compensation you are entitled to. No matter how complex your claim is, you can feel confident in our law firm’s ability to provide the fierce representation and advocacy you need during this challenging and painful time.
Get started on your personal injury case today and contact our law office at (304) 878-7489 to set up a free initial consultation with a trusted member of our Morgantown car accident law firm.